Those of you who are using Bing Ads should be extra careful today.
When trying to log in to our Bing Ads account today we have noticed an ad on Google Adwords pretending to be from Bing Ads.
Clicking on that ad takes you to a page that is identical to the Bing login page. Luckily for us we have noticed that the domain name is not before entering our user and password.
Below is a screenshot from Google SERP showing the phishing ad:
And here’s a screenshot from the phished Bing Ads login page:
We entered a fake user and password just to see what happens. The page refreshed and was redirected to the real Bing Ads login page. The fake user and password are now in the possession of a digital thief somewhere out there.
As a PPC person myself I am shocked to see that this ad was approved by Google Adwords. Firstly because it’s an obvious case of phishing and secondly because the Display URL is longer than 35 characters which should have caused the ad to be disapproved as well.
You should be careful today (and always) when logging in to your Bing Ads account.
We hope that Google will remove this ad as quickly as possible before any sensitive information gets stolen.