I was facing very slow loading speed of my wordpress blog. I got them on WHT promo and move. No complain yet. Boosted my load time also google pagespeed score.
I would like to commend your staff site who came by to assist my dad with setting up our web hosting & email accounts. Safecloudonline have great technical knowledge, could explain things well & simplify complex stuff.
My experience with my previous dedicated hosting wasn't that good. And I decided to switch to SafeCloudOnline dedicated hosting server. So far, I haven't faced any major problems with SafeCloudOnline hosting. Thumbs up for this!
Safe Cloud helped me with a professional custom server solution when my business was so rapidly growing my old system couldn't handle the load anymore.
Excellent customer service - all problems handled quickly and professionally. Great, reliable hosting with top-notch up time. Lots of features including spam assassin and fantastico.
I was too newbie to transfer my data from my previous host and this is the reason I had to submit a ticket and they started working on it immediately. They were able to migrate everything properly and all aspects of my site and service work just fine.
HostAdvice.com provides professional web hosting reviews fully independent of any other entity. Our reviews are unbiased, honest, and apply the same evaluation standards to all those reviewed.While monetary compensation is received from a few of the companies listed on this site, compensation of services and products have no influence on the direction or conclusions of our reviews. Nor does the compensation influence our rankings for certain host companies.This compensation covers account purchasing costs, testing costs and royalties paid to reviewers.