Creating a list of ideas is an excellent way of organizing all the topics effectively. It will transform you into an endless thinking tank. If you are using WordPress, you can easily keep track of your writing ideas. You need to use a plugin, called WP Dashboard Notes. It enables you to save your thoughts in your dashboard quickly. In this article, you will find the full process of adding your ideas with it.
Installing WP Dashboard Notes
- Sign in to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate through Plugins > Add New.
- Search for WP Dashboard Notes. Install and activate the plugin.
Adding Post Ideas
- Click on the Dashboard in the sidebar menu. Then click on “+” icon under “New Note” section.
- Start typing your post ideas. By default, all of your notes are being saved as lists.
- If you want to make your post ideas private, click on the user icon. If you want to make it visible to all the other users, click on the same icon again.
- If you want to change the color of each note, click on the palette icon. Then choose your desired color.
When you are done, the post ideas will be saved automatically.
Pros of Using WP Dashboard Notes
- The plugin allows you to share your post ideas with the other users pretty easily.
- You can use it to create notes for the other writers to inform them for improving their content or post images.
Cons of Using WP Dashboard Notes
- The plugin lacks several key features, including the ability to add images or links.
- The post ideas cannot be added from a new post directly. You can only add them through the dashboard.
WP Dashboard Notes is an amazing plugin. It’s the simplicity which makes it really cool for most of the people. However, sometimes, the limited functionalities might irritate you. It is not the best option for those people who want to add an elaborated overview. But if you are looking for a simple solution for adding and sharing post ideas with the other writers on your website, you should definitely consider using WP Dashboard Notes. You will be benefitted massively.
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