Expert and User Insights by Typical Hosting Customers
We strive to support the hosting community. We have a team that is super helpful with all your needs, We also have absolutely no hidden charges! what you see is what you get. Other companies promise cheap hosting but then charge extra for setup fees, renewal rates or promotional services.
I started using Typical Hosting about 3 years ago their services are great and I have never had any downtime. Their customer support is great considering they only have an email & ticket system in place and usually I would get a reply within 10mins-4hours depending, but. They have very friendly staff who have helped me with my website a lot! and if they can't do anything on their side they send me in the right direction so I can get my problems resolved.
I would also like to add that their pricing can seem a bit much but after using their services I can comfortably say am much happier here than my previous hosting provider. provides professional web hosting reviews fully independent of any other entity. Our reviews are unbiased, honest, and apply the same evaluation standards to all those reviewed.While monetary compensation is received from a few of the companies listed on this site, compensation of services and products have no influence on the direction or conclusions of our reviews. Nor does the compensation influence our rankings for certain host companies.This compensation covers account purchasing costs, testing costs and royalties paid to reviewers.