DEAC was founded back in 1999 offering private data center solutions to their customers. Their focus is on building high-end datacenters for companies to host their servers and other equipment in. The datacenters are located throughout Europe and have been recognized as some of the best facilities in the region. In addition to datacenter solutions, they also offer good web hosting options for those who need their sites hosted in Europe. Offering hosting services as part of their datacenter options is a perfect fit since they already have all the required investment made to run a good hosting service. This review will focus on their hosting solution primarily, and only touch on their datacenter specific services where needed.
Uptime & Reliability
Excellent Uptime
You aren’t likely to experience any type of outages caused by the network or other equipment in this facility. All of their datacenters are built to the highest standards so you can be confident that there won’t be any issues. They offer fully redundant power supplies, multiple network connections to the Internet backbone, and much more. You’ll also have access to only the best name brand hardware for your hosting solutions so it won’t likely fail. You can choose to have your hosting package fully monitored as well so you will have an extremely reliable hosting service.
Top Quality Datacenter for Hosting
It is no surprise when looking at their main services to learn that their datacenters are top of the line, which is very important for hosting solutions. They have high-speed connections to all their equipment, and the facilities themselves are built with redundant power and great security services.
The hosting services they offer include VPS options, public and hybrid cloud options, cloud hosting services, and dedicated servers. All of these services are offered from their high quality hardware that is used throughout all their facilities. The VPS packages all come with a 100Mbit/s connection with an unmetered 1 Gbit port. All of this also comes with no minimum contract period so you get exactly what you need without spending more than is necessary.
One thing that many people will like about all the hosting packages with this company is that they are very customizable. You can choose everything from the type of CPUs to the supplier of the server hardware. You can also pick how many cores you need, how much RAM, the type of hard drives, and much more. This helps to ensure you are getting the best solutions for your specific needs.
Quality Tech Support
The support teams are quite strong with this hosting provider. They monitor all of their network equipment in real time to identify any major issues so they can respond to them right away. If you choose monitored hosting, their tech staff will keep a close eye on your hosting account as well. If you have any problems, they will respond quickly and get things up and running right away. They blog and other documentation is mostly focused on their datacenter customers, but it can still be helpful to those who like to be more knowledgeable on their hosting packages.
Custom Price Points
Since you will be able to select the specific hardware you need and many other factors, the prices will vary based on what you choose. For dedicated servers you will have to identify what type of server you need and then consult with one of their sales managers to get the exact price that you will have to pay. The VPS packages range in price from $38.19 to $1274.08, though even that is just rough estimates since the exact price will vary greatly based on what hardware you choose. Overall, the prices are around average or maybe a little above average compared to other hosting companies.
Fast Site Load Times
Since this company is primarily focused on providing datacenter solutions, speed is always going to be very important to them. They lease out space to large companies that need the fastest connections, which means that the fast and reliable solutions this company provides are available to everyone operating out of their facility. In addition to the fast connections to the data centers, you’ll also get a 1Gbps port for your hosting to ensure there aren’t any slowdowns within their network.
High-Quality Hosting in Europe
If you’re looking for hosting in Europe, this is a great company to consider. They have a great reputation for quality with all the services that they provide, including all the hosting options they provide. You can even get a 30-day free trial with some of their services. It can be a little hard to figure out exactly what you need, which is why it is often best to talk to their sales team from the beginning and they will help you to determine exactly which service to go with.
- World-Class Datacenters
- Very Customizable Hosting
- In Business Since 1999
- No Shared Hosting
- Prices are A Little High