0-Ring, also known as Null Ring, is a Russian company that offers their customers good quality hosting and DDoS protection. Their main service is the DDoS protection, so that is what you will see primarily featured on their website, but the hosting services they have are also quite good. The company and the website seem to be fairly simplistic, providing the information you need and little else. Most customers will choose both their hosting and their DDoS protection together for the best overall solution.
One downside to this company is that they really don’t put much information about themselves out there. They are likely trying to limit the number of pages they are displaying to avoid confusion, but it really ends up just making it hard to find what you need. When looking strictly at the services they provide, you will get a good overall product. Compared to most other hosting companies, however, you might be left feeling like you are missing some information.
Uptime & Reliability
No Complaints About Stability
The servers that this company uses for hosting are all good quality and use great hardware, so you aren’t likely to experience any type of outage due to that. They don’t give much information about the datacenters that they house these servers in though, which is unfortunate. In addition, there is no uptime guarantee offered, which will undoubtedly make some people hesitate when it comes to choosing this company for hosting.
On really good thing about them is that they are also a DDoS mitigation company, which has the potential to seriously protect your site should it ever get attacked. Given how common DDoS attacks are today, this is a great feature that will help to ensure the uptime and stability of your sites.
Limited Information on Features
Looking through the website you will find that they really don’t put much information out there for you to read. This is a little disappointing since most people are going to want to learn more about the services before they make a purchase. The features they have are broken up into a number of different categories for hosting, and then one for DDoS protection. The DDoS protection is fairly straight forward and will provide you with mitigation for most types of attacks.
They offer shared hosting, VPS (on Linux machines), and dedicated servers. Each of these options has several packages to choose from so you can get the exact level of service that you need. The shared hosting plans start with 3 gigs of disk space and can have as many as 10 domains held within. You can then go all the way up to their highest package, which allows for 25 gigs of disk space and unlimited domains. The dedicated servers all use either Intel or AMD processors, and offer generous amounts of RAM ranging from 4 gigs up to 32 gigs. Finally, the VPS solutions are a good option for mid-sized companies and offer six different configurations to give everyone exactly what they need.
Limited Information on Support
Just like with most of the other sections, limited information is a problem with their support as well. They don’t provide any type of knowledge base or FAQ to try to address issues on your own, and their technical support options seem to be limited to just email. Hosting companies today, especially those that offer shared hosting options, should always offer better support options than this.
Reasonable Pricing
The prices are all listed in US dollars, which is convenient, especially given that much of the rest of the site is written in Russian. The prices themselves are very reasonable. Shared hosting starts at just $3 per month for a very respectable hosting package. VPS starts at $20 per month and can go as high as $75. The dedicated servers can run as much as $350 per month, but for the level of hardware you are getting, that isn’t too bad at all. While certainly not the cheapest hosting option out there, you aren’t going to be getting ripped off either.
Hosting Appears to Be Fast
Based on everything we can gather, the hosting speeds are going to be reasonably fast. Unfortunately, there aren’t many actual user reviews that we can go over (or at least not in English) so it is hard to get a good feel for their speed based on a large number of users. From our experience with this company and the information we can gather, however, it appears very likely that the hosting will be fast for all users.
Good Hosting with Some Concerns
The hosting with this company has a lot going for it. In addition to the fact that they offer great DDoS protection, they also use good hardware and have plenty of options. That being said, however, it would be nice if they provided more information to their users as this could help to inspire greater confidence.
- DDoS Protection
- Quality Hardware Options
- Plenty of Options for Hosting
- Limited Information Available
- Few Support Options